About Us

Founded in 2007, AVIRATHA is managed by a 4-member trust board. However, programs and activities are planned and administered democratically by a body of active members; which has been growing by the year. The organization has been largely funded by public donations and a few corporate bodies.


A society where geographic, gender, income and socioeconomic equity drives progress in an environment of democracy and liberty.

A community where native, traditional culture and art forms co-exist with contemporary culture without a majoritarian cult.


As a ‘civil society organization’, AVIRATHA seeks to work with communities, societies and governments by charting and maintaining sustainable programs that could bridge equity gap in any dimension or contribute to human development in any form.


We are driven by individual values of liberty, freedom and societal values of equity and democracy. Programs and activities of AVIRATHA are structured around these values from conception to implementation.


AVIRATHA provides and open platform for people to propose, plan and execute programs/activities that are in line with its vision and mission. AVIRATHA follows a participatory approach to ‘program’ design with involvement of stakeholders at every level of program/activity cycle.

Gender approach

AVIRATHA is a ‘gender neutral’ and ‘gender equal’ organization. However, AVIRATHA attempts to create environment for equal participation of women in the organization and all its endeavors.

Ethics and Human Rights

Aviratha being publicly funded organization, intervening among very low socio-economic strata of populace, underprivileged children and situations of humanitarian crisis & conflict often faces subtle ethical and human right challenges.

AVIRATHA has set for itself, high standards of ethics in conducting the organization and implementing programs/activities at ground level. Organizational ethics are largely guided by THE UNITED NATION UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/).

Medical programs follow code of medical ethics laid down by Medical Council of India and the Helsinki Declaration. AVIRATHA also follows high standards of ethics in management, accounting and internal auditing of finances.

Registered office

73, 3rd stage, 2nd main road,

Vinayaka layout, Vijayanagar,

Bangalore, 560 040

Karnataka, India

Ph: 9880086300, 9845988444, 9845038952

[email protected]


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